Sponsorships and Silent Auction Items
We are sharing updates and requests for your help with our Annual Parent Social. Our event date is January 25, 2025 and it will take place at Bud & Rita’s. Our RSVP page will go live in early December, but you can begin to help us now.
Our 2024 event resulted in a net profit of $30,000 and our 2025 goal is $35,000. Our goal for this year is to bring in more revenue from outside sources, so while some of that growth will come from an expanded list of auction items, the rest will come from the sponsorships from local businesses. Funds raised will help support the Northbrook Bluehawks efforts to provide the ultimate youth hockey experience for our players and community. Please help today!
Your help comes in the form of bringing on new sponsors and/or introduction or direct contributions of auction items.
Auction: Please think about anything you know (including yourself) who can contribute:
Vacation Home Stays
Sports Events & Tickets
Experiential Activities & Packages
Gift Certificates & Sports Memorabilia
Handcrafted Items
All Bluehawks Parents are welcome to join in the effort to bring in new sponsors, and those who do will receive a $100-$625 credit toward program fees for doing so!
$625 credit toward program fees for bringing in a Platinum Sponsor
$375 credit toward program fees for bringing in a Gold Sponsor
$100 credit toward program fees for bringing in an Silver Sponsor
If you want to donate, can make introductions or are interested in bringing in new sponsors, please contact Katie Fischer at Katiefischer60@gmail.com (847) 848-4228.
Bluehawks is a 5013c not-for-profit organization, and we will provide a receipt, including the tax ID and value of the item(s).
We will continue to keep you posted; thank you so much for your help!